Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Veggie Bread

So. . . .this is one of my most favorite things to eat, and I have never really had a recipe for this, just guessing how it was made.  Jenna went on a date and the father of her date made this as an appetizer for all of them, she came home and described it and this is what we came up with:

Veggie Bread!

1 loaf of french bread
butter and garlic powder for the bread
parmesan cheese
Mozzarella cheese
Zucchini, chopped
Onions, chopped
Red peppers, chopped
Mushrooms, diced
Tomatos, diced  (I dont always have tomatoes so leave out if you
wish, still yummy!)                           

In Saucepan saute up the chopped vegetables in some butter, I add some balsamic vinegar (maybe 2 Tblsp) and I squeeze a little honey over the top, so it makes a kind of glaze. Let it all simmer for just a bit. 

I butter the french bread and sprinkle on garlic powder and parmesan cheese and I broil the bread under the broiler just a bit until lightly browned.  Pull out of oven and spoon the vegetables on top of the bread, then sprinkle some mozzarella cheese over the top.  Put back in oven to broil, watch closely as it only needs a little bit of time to melt the cheese and finish lightly browning!

Pull out of oven and serve!  DELISH!

Thought for the day:
The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important - John Dewey

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.  -William James

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