Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Daily Green Smoothie

I took for granted that everyone knew what I drank in my green smoothie.  I have had a request to post it.  I got this from, I love her, bought her book green smoothies and she has several other recipes, while I do not eat as healthy as her, she inspires me to want to eat better.  My green smoothie has more fruits than hers, but here is how I make mine:

My wonderful kids did get me a blendtec blender last year for Christmas, so I do use that:

3 cups cold filtered water (I just have a Brita pitcher in my fridge)
Fill the blender with spinach ( I am guessing 3 to 4 handfuls)
I add a couple leaves of collard greens
I add a couple leaves of kale
I pulse that, or blend until it is all blended down
I cut one apple (any kind of apple I have on hand, I do not peel it, I just cut the seeds out) and put apple pieces in
2 bananas
1 to 1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries
1 to 1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries
1 to 2 Tblsp honey
1/2 of an avocado, no skins, optional if you have one on hand!

(you can add flax seed oil, coconut oil, and any other healthy additions you would like!)
(and lately I have added a tsp of mexican vanilla as well as the honey to flavor it so my little girl will drink it)

I push the smoothie button and it blends for about 35 seconds, but just blend til smooth!
I can usually fill 3 of my special 2 cup containers with lids.  Ideally you should drink 4 cups of this stuff a day, but I usually only get my 2 cups in , my goal is to drink a quart a day!
According to green smoothie book, 2 cups of this stuff is equal to 7 1/2  servings of fruits and veggies and 4 cups equals 15 servings of fruits and veggies!  Easy way to get your fruit and veggie in for the day.   It is yummy stuff and in green smoothie girl's book she has several other good drinks as well, I have tried her Pink Smoothie and liked that, but not everyone likes that one, it has cashews in it, yum!

And now for the nourishing of our souls:
Here is my favorite song, I may have shared it on another recipe, but whenever anyone feels they are struggling, turn up this song and sing as loud as you can, and you will feel better, you can find it here It is called Just hold on by Jesse Clark Funk

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