Sunday, December 13, 2020

Homemade Toothpaste-Wellness Mama

I found this recipe on and have used it for over a year now and have had wonderful results!! It really does strengthen your teeth and your mouth will feel so clean!

Homemade Toothpaste-from Wellness Mama

Tooth powder ingredients:

 1/4 cup bentonite clay

3 Tblsp calcium powder

1 Tblsp baking soda

2 Tbls dried mint leaf or a few drips peppermint essential oil (optional)

1 Tblsp ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon to 1 Tblsp ground cloves

1 Tblsp or more xylitol powder

essential oils for taste such as peppermint, spearmint, or cinnamon (optional)

Tooth Powder Instructions:

If using dried mint leaf, process it in a blender or coffee grinder or food processor to form powder

Mix the ingredients in a bowl or pint size mason jar and store in small glass jar with a lid.  We have a separate small glass jar for each family member since we dip our toothbrushes in it.  Mix with a spoon or shake to incorporate ingredients.  This recipe makes about 3/4 cup of tooth powder which lasts for couple of months. 

*Notes:  I purchased the calcium powder and xylitol powder at a local health food store.  I dont use any essential oils.  

I used this stuff for several months and then had a dental cleaning, the cleaning lady asked me what I was using for toothpaste as I did not have very much plaque or build up for her to scrape away, she asked me what was in the tooth powder I used!

I like to mix it all together with a spoon in a mixing bowl and then put it into a glass square container that has a lock and lock lid on it. I wet my toothbrush first and then dip it into the powder!  It is amazing how fresh and clean your mouth will feel when done with this.  I have a doterra toothpaste that I like to use as well, but I have been told if you use this powder at least once a day it will help prevent cavities as it puts minerals back into your teeth.

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